How To Develop Biocompatible And Safe Heart Valve From Tissue Patch?


The advance medical technology has helped in development of artificial heart valves and transcatheter valve with help of bovine tissue. The tissue is developed in the lab and it is tested and certified for use in further production of heart valves. The transcatheter heart valves are customized as per the client requirement.

The tissue patch for heart valve is extracted and developed from bovine as well as porcine glut fixed tissue as it reduces the chance of immune rejection. The service provides help with end to end solution starting from consulting to development of customized transcatheter from tissue patches as per client requirement.

  • Research and Innovative Technology for Transcatheter Service

The heart valve development from the tissue patches is done in lab after thorough research. The research and consulting is developed by a team of highly experienced scientists, tissue engineers, technicians as well as stent production expert. There are pro-active strategies for development of advance heart valves.

A full-fledged wet lab facilitates the construction of the heart valves and transcatheter with help of tested and verified tissues. The right cross-linking and biocompatibility studies help in specializing the production of the valves which can be used in humans. There is complete design as well as formulation of personalized, compatible product.

  • Construction of the Valves from the Tissue Patches

There are many steps involved when it comes to the development of the valves with help of tissue patches. It requires a lot of research, testing, custom design, and processing to be finally used as valve. The prototyping, tissue fixation, and processing along with regulatory aspects is crucial.

  • The transcatheter valve consulting service ensures tissue cleaning, cutting, cross-linking as well as complete prototyping. The consulting service helps in streamlining the process of valve production, make it cost-effective, and ensure all the specifications.
  • There are testing methods which helps in testing and design new prototype which are compliant and biocompatible with the heart. It needs to undergo multiple testing including hydrodynamic testing, suture pull testing, and tensile strength training.
  • The biocompatibility as well as toxicology test helps in identifying various aspects of the material used in the construction. This step is crucial to adhere to biocompatibility regulation and ensure it does not impact and severely affect the health of the patient.
  • The biocompatibility testing requires use of strategies and tests which are developed by FDA. The testing for the residual toxin elements or chemical for toxicological study is crucial. 
  • Development of Strong and High Quality Tissue Patch Valve

One of the factors for the development of the tissue patch value is ensuring it stays highly functional and it withstands stress through anti-calcification treatment. This treatment helps in enhancing durability of the transcatheter heart valves and withstands mechanical stress. The anti-calcification treatment reduces calcification and improves functionality.

 When it comes to use of the heart valves and transcatheter from tissue patches, it is crucial that it is sterilized. When the product is sterilized, it reduces toxicity and helps in better performance. The professional solution provider conducts high quality validation and qualification studies.


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